AI Followup Generation
Create AI Followup Question
Generates a contextual followup question based on a survey response
API key for authentication
The answer to the question
The top-level topic question that was asked
Name of the survey
Different ways Aftercare AI will generate follow-up questions based on non-applicable user input.
- The AI will not generate a follow-up question if the response is irrelevant or complete. This is the default behavior.Redirection
- The AI will return a follow-up question that redirects the user to answering the top-level question if it is irrelevant and incomplete.Verbose
- The AI will return a follow-up question regardless of the relevance or completeness of the response. This is the most verbose behavior.
Available options:
, Redirection
, Verbose
What is trying to be achieved with this question
Description of the survey purpose
A unique identifier for the survey. Aftercare will use this to generate useful metrics